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Linea.Red, empresa tecnológica especializada en recuperar sus datos , archivos, ficheros e información sobre múltiples y diferentes soportes de almacenamiento.

Sanyo Laser to Enable Faster, Higher Capacity Blu-ray Discs.
PC 20081006

Sanyo Electric has developed a blue laser diode that will help lay the ground toward higher capacity and faster Blu-ray Disc systems. The laser can emit a beam of 450 milliwatts, which is about double the power of Sanyos current highest power laser for Blu-ray Disc systems. The higher power means it can write and read data on discs with up to four data layers and at speeds of up to 12X, Sanyo said on Monday. Each recording layer on a Blu-ray Disc can store 25G bytes of data and the current highest capacity commercial discs have two recording layers. A four-layer disc would be able to hold 100G bytes of data, which translates to about eight hours of high-definition video, and at 12X speed all that data could be burned to the disc i ...

Mission Defragmentation. Part 2: PerfectDisk.
Xbit 20081006

In our previous article devoted to hard disk drives tests with the defragmentation tool built into the Windows XP OS we promised to return to this topic again. This time we are going to check out defragmentation using one of the third-party software applications. We are going to compare the hard disk drives in PerfectDisk 8. 0 from Raxco Software. Before we start, let’s recall what file fragmentation actually is and why we always try to avoid it. When saved to the hard disk, files are not always written into contiguous clusters. More often than not, they occupy a few strings of adjacent clusters in different parts of the platter. This occurs when a file stored on the hard disk gets larger after your processing it or when large files are written into an almost full hard disk when there is no string of free adjacent clusters on the disk to save the current file. As a consequence, the reading of a file like this takes longer since the HDD has to move its heads a longer way to collect the file fragments from the platters. So, the more fragmented your files are, the slower your PC works. It is file fragmentation that affects how fast the new game levels are being loaded and how quickly heavy applications start. Programs called defragmenters are your main weapon against file fragmentation. All of them create a file dist

Google cuelga la polucion en sus mapas.
El 20081008

Google Maps ya no sólo informa de la forma más rápida para llegar de un lugar a otro. A partir de hoy también dará el parte de los niveles de contaminación a los que se expondrá cualquier usuario cuando apague el ordenador y salga a la calle. Los habitantes de ciudades españolas con más de 50. 000 personas podrán controlar los gases que respirarán durante la jornada. Google Earth y Google Maps presentaron ayer, en el Congreso sobre Biodiversidad que se está celebrando en Barcelona, esta nueva herramienta. La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha puesto al servicio de Google Earth este sistema, que pronostica la calidad del aire para las 72 horas siguientes a la consulta. El modelo incluye las emisiones del tráfico, de la industria y las biogénicas (que tienen como origen organismos vivos). Cuatro colores cuantifican de mayor a menor la contaminación del aire de 130 ciudades. Esta iniciativa se presentó en el marco del programa Google Solidario. A partir de hoy, la web abrirá sus mapas de forma gratuita a las ONG e instituciones sin ánimo de lucro para que puedan ilustr ...

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